Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Superbowl Advertisement

- What commercial most caught your attention this year? Use html code to embed the video on your blog.


- What about the commercial made it memorable?

The blatant targeting of a certain audience group and demographic that would usually buy the product. Also, it was basically a youtube video with different pictures. Seen below.

- How much does it cost to air a commercial during the super bowl?

3.5 million dollars for 30 seconds.

- What other expenses go into producing a commercial? What kinds of costs might these activities incur? (there's not a "right" or "wrong" answer for this, do some google research and justify a value)

Only potentially the expense for paying someone to make a somewhat professional looking video, rather than a thrown together video like the "orginal."

- How many "widgets" (whatever the company is selling) will the company have to sell to cover the cost of their commercial? Share some math that justifies your answer.

About 14,000,000 dollars worth, based on the approximate amount to make a 2 minute superbowl commercial.

- Do you think this add will cover it's costs directly (sell as many "widgets" as it cost to produce and air)? Does a superbowl add have value beyond direct sales that it generates?

Probably, yes, because of the business that is beyond just selling the car for an orginal price.

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