Monday, December 9, 2013

Manila Folder Bridge Building

Build a structure that can support as much weight as possible over a 18" gap.
(Note: we will use magazines for "weights" and our "gap" will be positioned between two tables)

Constraints:Part 1

    • Materials:
      • 2 "letter size" Manilla folders
      • 2' of masking tape (may not use any piece longer than 6")
    • Weighing:
      • Magazines will be used as "weights"
      • Your "score" for our competition is determined by how many magazines your structure supports!
      • Magazines will be added to your structure one at a time until "failure" is achieved.
      • You may place magazines anywhere on your structure as long as:
        • All magazines must rest between the two vertical edges of the gap your bridge is spanning (magazines must be over the "gap").
        • No magazines may touch the tables (magazines may not be piled up to "self support" themselves).
    • Construction Practices:
      • Only one end of your design may have a "pinned" connection to the table top (ie. taped). The other end must act as if it were on a "roller" connection (ie. laying on the table top).
      • Manila folders may not be layered more than 3 layers thick at any location.
      • Parallel structural members may not touch directly (they can be connected via non parallel connection members (ex. a "ladder" style design))

We used a simple design to hold a magazine and used tape to hold the sides down of the structure. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mouse Trap Challenge

This was our annual mousetrap challenge. We were given the goal to create a contraption that has can sustain acceleration and distance using a mousetrap, string, and two axles as a blueprint. 

11 Achievements 

Design Stage

1. CD wheels 
2. Fishtertek wheels
3. Red fishertek wheels
4. Circular yellow rods as frame
5. Yellow brackets as frame
6. Axle as the little rods
7. Axle as the bulky square 
8. Paper wings
9. Suspension for more momentum
10. Tape for friction for more acceleration

Visualize it

Build Stage

- Build It

- The Price of Glory
2 axles
4 wheels
One string
Two yellow brackets as frame
Mouse Trap
1 length of string
$11 net cost

Test Stage

"Compete in the 2nd annual mousetrap challenge"
+ It accelerated at least some
- The "motor" was not very efficient
Simple design, but sometimes to a fault

Iterate Stage

Changes that would be efficient would have a better motor. The string was not very reliable over and over and had a lot of human error. I would string it better or have a easier axle to tie it to.
Game Changer
"No trial runs are allowed"
This would make the teams have to be sure that their designs work.
Name It
"Don't get your finger caught in a mousetrap." 
Don't get your finger caught in a mousetrap. Because it hurts. 

Clean Up Stage

Leave It Cleaner Than You Found It
I picked up all the rods and little parts that were under our desk that no one could see or pick up. 

Reflection Stage

Design build is working up to a final design by creating designs that eventually weed out all problems. We made one design and worked on it when it did not work efficiently. This relates to engineering careers, and really any career. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Marble Drop

  • 4th place



  • Create a structure to launch a marble into a cup 
  • Have the longest distance from start to cup 
  • Release marble on the freestanding structure
  • Winner is located farthest


  • Use only 14 straws, 2 plastic cups, 3 feet of tape and 10 toothpicks to create it
  • 1 marble as a projectile
  • You may only use the materials specified. 


  • Our team placed 4th place (.7 out of the collective 1)

Construction of the ramp out of straws and the cleanup 

- Clean Up

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cardboard Canoe 2013

15 Achievements

This was a challenge where we had to create a functioning boat made out of only duct tape and cardboard. There is a pilot in the boat, and there a multiple challenges and achievements that have to be overcome.  

 Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions
Problem: Navigate a cardboard boat, covered in duct tape, across a pool surface with a human inside.
1. Lightweight
2. Sturdy
3. Completely covered in tape
4. Tall sides so water can't get in
5. Large surface area
6. Not too heavy
7. Strong enough to hold a person
8. Not too big
9. Leave no holes
10. Build v-bottom
11. Don't stand on it for too long
12. Don't splash or water will get in
13. Don't shift weight quickly
14. Measure the width of the door for size
15. Use a ruler when cutting cardboard for straight edges
16. Use precise measurements
17. Be careful with the knife
18. Don't bend the cardboard
19. Remove air bubbles while taping
20. Don't bend tape and make precise tape placement

 Criteria & Constraints 
• Build a watercraft that allows you to traverse the CHS swimming pool.

• Your "boat" must float at least one student through the course of the competition.

Has to fit through the door
• You may only use Cardboard and Duct Tape for this event.
• All Staples or other foreign material must be removed from your cardboard. If we trash the pool, we will not be invited back for other activities during the year (yes, we have other activities in mind for 2nd semester).
• Cardboard must meet our quality standard and be approved by the instructor (more info to follow)
• Each boat must have a minimum of a 3" tall "sidewall" (no completely flat designs).
• All exposed cardboard must be covered in duct tape (this will reduce cardboard disintigration in the pool).
• Each team will be provided one "versa table" cardboard box piece and three 60yrd rolls of duct tape. Any materials beyond this (likely need more cardboard) need to be resourced by your team.
You must create the box yourself

Sketch Ideas

Prototype Ideas
Standard 4-wall design

Slanted Front Design

6 Wall Design (pointed front)

Select an Approach
(+) - Our design has several different approaches .
(-) -  The design best design is not very sturdy and can have some water  easily get into it.
(?) - Which concept has the least faults?
(!) - The flat box might be the best.   

The Early Bird Gets the Achievement

This was our final build taped up.


(+) - Our surface area worked out really well.
(Change) - I would cover the corners and little spots where water got in.
(?) - Would a V-Shape design had been better?
(!) - Having more ductape around key spots would have stopped water from getting in.
The simple design worked well to our advantage.
The weight of the pilot was beneficial.
We could have built sides more well built.
A better paddle could have been a lot better to get around.
We got a lot of water in our boat.
Taller walls would have been better.

 How Low Did You Go?
Our boat lasted about 15-30 minutes. No, it wasn't surprising when our boat went down because the cardboard was completely wet. The pilot weighed about 160 pounds. Our depth was roughly half a foot.

Balance Master
The boat sunk underwater, but the pilot was still standing on it for the 5 seconds. 

The Farthest
We were doing laps for the length of the time in the pool. 

We would make a two-ply of tape on our boat. 

Wear A Captain's Hat (make your own)
Wear a captain's hat through the midst of the competition. 

Surface area!
About 3000  inches^2, 
22.5 square feet can be covered with one roll 
 84 square feet can be covered with all of our duct tape
 73% efficiency 

Beat Mr. Olson In A Race
I raced our instructor in a race for a lap in the pool, along with the rest of our class. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Wheel and Axle

This is our model of the wheel and axle using before weight added.

These are our dimensions for the wheel and axle and its calculations.

Monday, September 9, 2013


First Class Lever

Second Class Lever

3rd Class Lever 

These are our calculation for our Ideal Mechanical Advantage, Actual Mechanical Advantage, and its Efficiency for all of our levers.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Second First Blog Post

Welcome to the wonderful world of Principles of Engineering through the eyes John Rickers' computer's blog.

I enjoy learning and practicing the guitar. Playing guitar can teach some valuable lessons in life.


The ocean is a big part of my life. I live in a beach town and enjoy traveling the seven seas.


This is the picture of the earth's horizon. Perspective is a large factor in virtually anything you do on earth or beyond it, and I believe perspective is an important virtue in life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Physical Capstone Design

                        The first stages of our physical house

Action shots of the precise cuts to the walls of our house

All angles of the house 

Front view

Back view

Both side views

Our 6 post-its after the gallery walk

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Egg Drop Challenge

-Generate a list of materials required for build day.

-Document a plan to ensure materials are brought in on 

block day.

-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box

-Your materials fit inside a shoe box

-Your materials fit inside a cigar box

-Your materials weigh less than 500 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 300 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 200 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 150 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 100 grams.

-Your materials weigh less than 50 grams.

-Describe an aspect of the event using arithmetic.

-Describe an aspect of the event using algebra.

-Create a sketch of one possible solution. 

-Create a sketch of another possible solution. 

-Create a sketch of a third possible solution

-Use a decision matrix to justify the approach you chose.

-Create promotional materials for your design.

"Suicidal Chicken Fetus Experiment"

-Come up with a clever name Mr. Olson uses for an existing 


        "Use the least amount of money on your materials"

-Design an Achievement Mr. Olson approves for next year's 

Egg Drop Challenge.

         "Do not use incorporate a parachute on your design"

       -Suggest a redesign to the activity for next year's Egg 

                                    Drop Challenge.

-You hit the butcher paper!

-You hit inside the third ring!

-Your solution takes more than 2 seconds to hit the target!

-Your solution takes more than 3 seconds to hit the target!

-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded five times)

-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded five times)

-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded five times)

-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded five times)

-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded five times)

Total Points: